With the presidential inauguration, a new session of Congress and state legislatures gearing up, Americans receive fresh reminders to look toward the future with hope. Of course, we place ultimate trust in God and not government. But we propel our…
Searching for gratitude amid the chaos, calamity and confusion of 2020
Thinking about Thanksgiving from the sinkhole otherwise known as 2020 seems at once harder and easier than it has in years past. Unless you got married or had a baby or backed into a positive life-transforming event, you’ll probably agree…
Breathe free, huddled masses; we’re sorry for how our nation treated you
The Statue of Liberty, Mother of Exiles, stands a little taller this week. Her fabled torch shines brighter. Once again, she beckons her welcome to “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Our presidential election signals a change at our borders….
Who knew ‘unalienable rights’ could undermine life, liberty and true happiness?
Like a stool with uneven legs, distorted interpretations of Americans’ “unalienable rights” provide a precarious perch in perilous times. The Declaration of Independence proclaims: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are…
For truth-tellers, tragedy and redemption are wrapped up in July 17
Today, July 17, marks the anniversary of one of the darkest moments in Baptist history. But as with so many events in the Christian saga, God worked with those who love God to turn darkness into light and to redeem…
The moral hypocrisy of Albert Mohler (and evangelicals of his ilk)
Evangelicals such as Mohler claim to be pro-life and shape their politics to support candidates who likewise claim to be pro-life and who will help stack the federal judiciary with pro-life judges. Their position is hypocritical, because they are not pro-life. They are pro-birth.
Clinging to hope in a river of despair
Never before in my lifetime have I feared for democracy, for the rule of law, for basic truthfulness and honesty, for human decency and kindness. But the cosmic Christ still calls us to live in hope, even when despair seems strong.
Our grandchildren will curse us for dismantling democracy
Politicians who thwart reporters’ access to cover the impeachment trial erode a basic American strength and undermine democracy. Our grandchildren will curse them – and curse us for allowing them to do it.
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You can minister to immigrant refugees on the U.S.-Mexico border
Up and down the border, small churches are providing shelter and food to immigrants on their doorsteps.