Seminaries are changing in our time. Some have called theological education a “troubled industry,” and many trends support this analysis. As ecclesial patterns shift, seminaries are becoming more nimble in addressing the cultural marginalization of congregations. More important than ever,…
Daniel Aleshire: A steady hand for theological schools
Theological educators from all over North American convened in Pittsburgh on April 23 to celebrate the good and faithful work of Daniel Aleshire. He has led the Association of Theological Schools (one of Central Seminary’s accrediting bodies) for the past…
With Jesus in the dark: Embracing the Paschal mystery
The week begins with a parade and ends with “stations” visited. Baptists do not usually speak about “stations of the cross,” for we, like our Anabaptist forebears, are a bit suspicious about anything too Catholic. (On balance, the Anabaptists were…
Where to find unity in our fractured nation? Perhaps in a heightened culture of helping
We are living in a time in the United States when helping seems to be a zero sum game. If we tend to the well being of others, we are somehow diminished and our economic security is compromised. The erosion of compassion leads to a spiritual death, and the ability to inure ourselves to the needs of others threatens the common good.
Living out the ‘fierce urgency’ of the prophets in U.S. culture
Prophets rarely fare well in their own historical setting. Their clarity of vision disturbs the nonchalance with which most people engage their personal context. Prophets scrutinize those policies and practices that most of us blithely ignore, and they shine the…
A reminder to ministers: It’s not all about you
I recently heard a priest at Conception Abbey offering the homily at Eucharist, attended by all the young men preparing to enter the priestly vocation. He was making the point “it’s not about you” to these who might presume overweening…
What does preaching look like after the inauguration?
Preaching remains at the heart of congregational life. Whether or not preaching has social significance depends upon the character of the minister, the relevance of the message, and the passion of delivery. Preaching is an art, and the wise pastor…
The promise of figures hidden in the dominant narrative
During the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend I went to see the fine movie Hidden Figures. Already nominated for various awards, this remarkable film recounts the story of the contribution three black women made to Project Mercury at NASA…
Believing despite grievous suffering
Carnage surrounds the birth of the child Jesus. All was not peace and good will. The Gospel reading for the first Sunday following Christmas recounts the fury of Herod and his order to kill all male children who were 2…