Americans love greatness. We love great wealth, great success, great possessions, great entertainers, great CEOs, great athletes. I’m old enough to remember when Muhammad Ali declared, “I am the greatest.” And in the world of boxing, he likely was. We…
It’s (past) time to raze hell
A few weeks ago, a friend texted me a satirical religious “advertisement.” The ad featured an image of a kind and loving Jesus with a big red heart on his chest. The title of the ad read: “TRADE OFFER.” The…
The antidote to mean Christianity
A Doubter’s Parish reader recently wrote, “How did Christianity become so mean? How did we get from Jesus’ message of love to relentless condemnations against gays, transgender persons, women preachers, immigrants, scientists, educators, journalists and public-school librarians?” She said, “When…
Searching for Grace: Bend or break?
This is the final in a five-part fictional story set in the early 1990s about Rev. Paul Graham and his congregation, Grace United Church of Christ. In previous episodes Tommy Branson, a gay man and a lifelong member of Paul’s…
The last word is hope
One of the most important things I learned over four decades of ministry is that hope saves people’s lives. Hope saves them spiritually, emotionally, relationally and sometimes even physically. People hope for many things. They hope for forgiveness, reconciliation, healing….
Searching for Grace: Haunting question
This is the fourth of a five-part fictional story set in the early 1990s about Rev. Paul Graham and his congregation, Grace United Church of Christ. In the previous episode, a lifelong member of Paul’s congregation contracted HIV/AIDS. In spite…
Searching for Grace: Worst-kept secret
This is the third of a five-part fictional story set in the early 1990s about Paul Graham and his congregation, Grace United Church of Christ. Previously, Paul made the difficult but necessary decision to leave the Southern Baptist Convention and…
Searching for Grace: First Sunday
This is the second of a five-part fictional story set in the early 1990s about Paul Graham and his congregation, Grace United Church of Christ. In Part 1, Paul made the difficult but necessary decision to leave the Southern Baptist…
If faith were a movie
Next Sunday evening, along with millions of others around the globe, I will watch the Academy Awards. I’ve not missed one in 40 years. Since three of my major interests are theology, writing and movies, I decided to do a…