Evolution vs. Intelligent Design The two letters printed in the Jan. 19 edition of the Herald, by Albert Mohler and Brent Walker, were the benchmarks for either side of the evolution/ID debate. I respect both these men, especially Walker, for…
No News about Virginia Baptists and their ministries for January 26, 2006
January clearance
Heritage Column for January 26, 2006 By Fred Anderson January is a time for putting away the festive decorations of Christmastide, sweeping away the remnants of holiday celebrations and facing the realities presented with the beginning of a new year….
Volunteers needed in South Africa
The Free State Baptist Association of the Baptist Union of South Africa has invited a team from Virginia to lead a retreat for their pastors and spouses Feb. 17-27. John Tadlock is heading a 12-couple team as part of Virginia…
Impact Virginia! extended to Grenada
Projects in the nation of Grenada have been added to locations for this year’s Impact Virginia! Impact Virginia! is Virginia Baptists’ coed youth missions opportunity involving teenagers in hands-on ministry projects. Baptist youth from across the state join forces to…
Cochranes offer BTSR large gift
Two Virginia Baptist benefactors have offered a large matching-gift challenge to Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. Seminary officials announced Jan. 19 that Louise and Harwood Cochrane had issued a $3 million challenge to their fellow BTSR supporters. As part of…
Churches earn ministry funds through church steeples
By Jenny Rice LifeWay Christian Resources Churches across the country have discovered a new way to raise funds for ministry by utilizing an often-overlooked building asset-the church steeple. Houses of worship can earn income by contracting with telecom companies to…
World Changers slate 93 cities for renovating houses
By Mickey Noah Baptist Press Thousands of Baptist students-from teenage to college-age-will swarm into 93 U.S. cities this summer to work on 2006 World Changers mission projects to renovate substandard housing around the country. Feb. 1 is the deadline for…
Baptist youth worship with others at Disney
By Lance Wallace CBF Communications More than 2,200 Christian teenagers-Baptists, Episcopalians and Presbyterians-explored common and distinct dimensions of their faith during the first “Faith in 3D” conference Jan. 13-16 at the Disney World Resort. With high-energy worship and intentionally diverse…