A lack of understanding The attack on Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's change to nouthetic counseling grieves me. Some of the article [March 3 issue] seems to be rooted in a lack of firsthand knowledge of nouthetic counseling. Nouthetic comes from…
It’s not Passion Lite
Guest Editorial for March 24, 2005 By David Briggs The Passion Recut is not The Passion Lite. Viewers no longer see the nail going through Christ's hands as he is attached to the cross. And the excruciating torture scene in…
Top 100 churches in per capita gifts to the Cooperative Program
Beulah Baptist Church in Rocky Mount led churches affiliated with the Baptist General Association of Virginia last year in per capita gifts to the Cooperative Program. Rounding out the top 10 churches in per capita CP gifts were First Baptist…
Virginia Baptists’ response to tsunami relief in India
Contributions from Virginia Baptists for the Indian relief project through March 10 with the following designations: • Southern Baptist Convention (IMB): $67,135 • Baptist World Alliance (BWAid): $25,818 • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship: $57,817 • Virginia Baptist Mission Board: $130,312 General…
Volunteer missions stories sought for resource
A retired Virginia Baptist pastor is seeking experiences of missions volunteers to be compiled into a resource for churches. Ray Allen, retired pastor of Blacksburg Baptist Church in Blacksburg and a missions volunteer himself, is collecting “interesting, inspiring or humorous”…
Alan Stanford elected at Leland Center
Alan Stanford has been elected vice president of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Falls Church by the school's board of trustees, effective April 1. In his new position, Stanford will provide administrative leadership when Leland's president is…
CBF of Virginia approves a new offering to fund ministries
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia has approved an annual statewide offering to help fund Hispanic ministries and new church starts in Virginia. The Shared Visions Missions Offering, to be promoted each year in April, was authorized at the CBFV's…
BGAV and Averett University leaders develop proposal for relationship
Leaders of Virginia Baptists and Averett University have agreed on a course of action following a March 17 meeting in Richmond to discuss their relationship in light of a gay pride week sponsored on the Averett campus by the school's…
Walking the faith
This Lenten and Easter season, churches across the nation-including many in Virginia-are offering labyrinths as a way for Christians to use the metaphor of walking, running or even crawling their faith as they move closer to God. By Marcia J….