S T A F F • C H A N G E S Prentis B. McGoldrick Jr., to Thalia Lynn Church, Virginia Beach, as senior pastor, effective March 27. Michael Copple, to Dundas Church, Dundas, as pastor. Gary Chiles,…
Letters for March 3, 2005
The BGAV and abortion In a letter in the Religious Herald dated Feb. 3, Greene Hollowell condemned the Baptist General Association of Virginia's stance on abortion, as published in Truthfully Speaking (available at http://www.vbmb.org/uploads/TruthfullySpeaking.pdf). Mr. Hollowell disputes this statement: “Be…
Georgia churches look to Virginia for affiliation by ‘affinity’
By Robert Dilday First Baptist Church of Rome, Ga., is considering ending its affiliation with the Georgia Baptist Convention and joining the Baptist General Association of Virginia, whose Richmond headquarters are 600 miles away. And two other north Georgia churches…
Nominee Recommendation Sheet for Service in BGAV
Responding with a purpose
Virginia Baptists are helping Baptists in India to restore hope to thousands of victims of the tsunami that wreaked havoc around the Indian Ocean at the end of last year. One effort involves support for a continuing Christian witness there….
How you can help in India
There are a variety of ways to participate in the Virginia Baptist relief project with Indian Baptists: • Raise funds for the immediate placement in a children's home of at least 100 children affected by the tsunami. The cost for…
GUEST EDITORIAL: The century of democracy? Don’t hold your breath
These are heady days for lovers of democracy. Millions of Iraqis defied the threat of death from terrorist murderers-including Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who has declared war on “evil” democracy-to go to the polls in January. It's the “biggest change since…
On God’s Hill
About a century ago a strong-willed and highly-articulate visionary named Nannie Helen Burroughs, a native Virginian, persuaded her fellow African-American Baptists to establish a school for girls and young women. She dreamed of a self-help educational institution which would provide…
Letters for Feb. 17, 2005
The result of 21-C I am sharing this as a result of the time I spent at 21-C a couple of weeks ago. It was refreshing to hear Bob Roberts share of his church's approach to being “church” in his…