STAFF CHANGES • J. R. Dockum, to Hebron Church, Aylett, as pastor. • David Waters, to Sunset Hills Church, Wytheville, as pastor. • Dennis Green, to Powhatan Community Church, Powhatan, as executive pastor. • Bob Yevak, resigning as pastor of…
Credit union to support ABC workers, Thai villages
VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (ABP) — The ministry of two American Baptist Churches missionaries to underdeveloped Thai villages will be undergirded with a $232,500 gift from Christian Community Credit Union. According to the American Baptist News Service, the nationwide Christian banking…
Bible tops America's bookshelf, poll shows. The Bible is the favorite book of all time for American adults, regardless of demographic group, according to a new 2008 Harris Interactive Poll. Researchers said it's rare to find such consensus among Americans,…
Stewardship is subject of two events in May
“Developing a Giving Life” is the theme of a convocation and public program to be held on Tuesday, May 20 at Bon Air Baptist Church in Richmond. The convocation will focus on the present state of stewardship education and is…
Virginia Baptist library association to mark half-century of ministry
The Virginia Baptist Library Association will celebrate its 50th year during the Conference for Church Librarians, to be held at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center May 16-18. Sue Berthelot, church library consultant for LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist…
SBC annual meeting to focus on mission
INDIANAPOLIS (BP) — Fulfilling the mission Christ gave his followers — bringing lost souls into God's Kingdom — will be the focus of the 151st session of the Southern Baptist Convention when it convenes June 10-11 at the Indiana Convention…
Building relationships
Sutton Wirt, the oldest son of the pastor, stuck his head into the sanctuary of Burkeville Baptist Church and exclaimed: “There's more people in there than I've ever seen at church.” He was referring to the gathering of two congregations,…
Texas church, mired in controversy over gays in directory, loses pastor
FORT WORTH, Texas (ABP) — Brett Younger, pastor of Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, survived a vote to fire him last month but is leaving the church anyway — to become associate professor of preaching at Mercer University's…
N.C. college receives donation of 1686 Luther Bible translation
MARS HILL, N.C. (ABP) — Across the centuries, across the ocean, through bombings and world wars, a sacred bit of history has emerged from the distant past to find a home at Mars Hill College. The North Carolina Baptist school…