The 1984 film Pulp Fiction features Harvey Keitel as Winston Wolfe, a fixer and cleaner. A fixer is a person who disposes of bodies; one who “cleans up” physical evidence of crime is also more specifically called a cleaner. America has a…
Can Pope Francis help rescue us from Christian nationalism?
Conservative Catholics and their political evangelical allies in the United States have a “Pope Francis problem.” Outbursts of severe criticism of Pope Francis increase regularly from Catholics and evangelicals alike, such as Joseph Edward Strickland, a recently fired bishop in…
Is it true: Will Chick-fil-A be forced to open on Sunday?
A bill proposed before the New York Legislature would require Chick-fil-A to open on Sundays in their restaurants located along I-90. Or so the story goes. Nothing creates outrage among evangelicals like rumors of persecution. The idea that Chick-fil-A —…
Are young voters switching to Trump over Israel’s war?
Young voters supporting Donald Trump over Joe Biden makes me catch my breath. How is it possible that an indicted insurrectionist who lies routinely has such support among young people? Have our young people lost their collective minds? But yet…
Ronald Reagan, the Strict Father and American conservatism
My reading life has provided me with a web of networks with authors I never have met except on the pages of their books. Lacking any other acceptable descriptor, I refer to these writers as “my friends.” My “friend” George…
Here’s why Americans are so obsessed with getting ‘tough on crime’
Americans have consistently lacked confidence in the United States criminal justice system and, once again, a majority views it as not tough enough. A national debate, ongoing for at least a century, attempts to solve the problem of crime. Ironically, we…
Baptists were for separation of church and state before they were against it
For a Baptist to oppose separation of church and state feels like disowning one’s own mother without cause. What more could Thomas Jefferson have done for Baptists than pen the First Amendment with John Leland, a Baptist preacher, looking over…
Why did Paige Patterson write a book on ‘biblical’ counseling?
Why did Paige Patterson write a book about biblical counseling? Without rehashing events already thoroughly chronicled by the media and covered extensively in Baptist News Global, we are talking about the former president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, who counseled…
Why ‘ressentiment’ defines our age
The political scientists tell us we are living in the age of resentment. This is the story of searching for a word that defines our age because “resentment” doesn’t really fit the bill. In an alliterative journey through the “Rs”…