When we announced to the first church we served, in South Carolina, that we were moving to Alabama, someone came up right after church and said, “Here’s the question if you’re moving to Birmingham: Are you gonna say, ‘Roll Tide’…
The fallacy in opposing ‘bathroom bills’
Franklin Graham is wrong again — and, once again, giving a bad name to my religion and my church. We could hope that if a Christian minister with a worldwide voice (often mistaken for “the” Christian voice), was going to…
‘The Revenant’ asks which is more powerful: love or revenge?
By Russ Dean What is the most powerful force within the human psyche? The Apostle Paul says there is only one force in the world for which people will move heaven and earth, a force which people will ultimately, and…
A lover’s quarrel with my country
By Russ Dean I only saw one of those year-in-reviews that the news shows always put together for the week after Christmas. One was enough. I was raised like most American kids to be proud of this great land I…
Answers that mean more death, only mean — more death
By Russ Dean So, what do we do when the world comes crashing down? When skyscrapers fall? When mad men appease their merciless god with fear and death, a bloody worship and the praise of a mother’s agonizing grief? Today…
The Starbucks flap
By Russ Dean It starts this time every year, but thanks to South Park Mall in Charlotte, N.C., and Starbucks, the Christmas War is off with a bang. You know, Starbucks hates Jesus. So says Mr. “Merry Christmas,” who’s taking…
What’s wrong with political solutions in this country
It’s that season again. I don’t mean crisp mornings and changing leaves, but the season of presidential politics. But thinking of the fall, in sequence with politics, made me think theology. (It’s a hazard of the job.) This stream-of-consciousness led…
When do lives not matter?
Question: When do 140,000 American lives not matter? Answer: When they are lost at the hand of other Americans, wielding the weapons which have cost us our freedom. To be more exact, a recent study has shown that between 2002…
Kim Davis: Blinded by belief
So, Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to sign marriage licenses for same sex couples, went to jail. And many political conservatives and religious fundamentalists praised her faith — as if she’s the first person ever jailed for following…