Head in hands, the disciples stared at their feet. These feet had walked faithfully ever since the first call to “Follow me.” Certain this way of life would usher in a new day and change the world, they had gone…
The Trickster
The trickster stirred the pot and knew what was about to happen. Esau was hangry (hunger that makes you angry). Maybe it was merely his unsuccessful hunt for food. Maybe he was upset by the high cost of groceries. Who…
How long will we tolerate The Lottery?
My middle school memory keeps rewinding the film our teacher showed one day of this disturbing short story by Shirley Jackson. Everyone in a small town is assembling. Something important is about to happen. Like a human Farmer’s Almanac, one…
‘None shall pass’
“I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight,” says King Arthur, “but I must cross this bridge.” “None shall pass!” declares the Black Knight. “I move for no man!” So one of the most farcical fight scenes in cinema…