Amid torrential downpours of rain and a tornado watch, a mission team from Beulah Baptist Church in Warsaw spent three days at Camp Piankatank, May 8–10, doing repairs and pressure washing and painting the cabins.
Camp Piankatank is a Baptist affiliated children's camp and convention center in Hartfield. The camp this year will serve approximately 900 children with biblical programs, sports, water and equestrian activities.
Sixteen men and women converged on Camp Piankatank, some for one day, others for the full three days, with lumber, paint and supplies, windows and plenty of food. In spite of the rain every day, four cabins were painted. Additionally, a utility shed was built for the director's use.
During these work activities, Beulah's culinary support staff prepared and served home cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the rain-soaked crew. To the surprise of the cooks, 13 men from a Roanoke church arrived to do other repairs and clean-up, needing meals also.
“Praise be to the Lord, the food was multiplied much like the five loaves and two fishes; and all were satisfied,” said Jean Donovan, a Beulah member. “Menus consisted of roast beef, asparagus, salads, BBQ, ham, apple dumplings and cakes and cookies made by our church ladies.”
All of this was made possible by the generosity of church members and the community at large, who supported the church's Gospel Night fund raiser, the guest musicians who give of their time and talent, and local firms and individuals who donated materials and food.