BOSTON (ABP) — Members of Beacon Hill Baptist Church in Boston, Mass., are striving to be green — when it comes to the environment, that is. And they're doing it with simple gestures like bringing their own coffee mugs to church, instead of using disposable cups.
David Draper, the pastor of the 20-person congregation, wants his church to be a model of good stewardship for larger congregations. His church demonstrates that even simple things count when it comes to protecting the environment. And Baptists who enjoy and utilize nature should think about preserving it, he said.
“There are a large number of Baptists out there who love nature,” Draper said. “We just need to do the best we can to preserve those God-given places of stewardship, joy and refreshment.”
Draper said earth-friendly efforts are popular in Boston, where every family has bins for recycling plastic and paper. The next step is to expand that attitude to regional churches and agencies, even the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
“We can all do something,” he said. “I think we're at a point now when we should see this is something that needs to be addressed. It's a good witness to the neighborhoods. It's a good witness to the world.”
Draper suggested that larger churches establish environmental committees to determine how the church can become more earth-friendly and offer members updates on ecological news. On a broader scale, Draper said, large organizations like CBF should offer recycling bins for pop bottles or food cartons at conventions and other large gatherings.
At Beacon Hill, meanwhile, members began church-wide recycling efforts about five years ago. They use recycled products and have reduced waste from food and containers. The congregation, founded in 1985, even held an outdoor service last summer to conserve energy in their building.
One of the most novel ideas at Beacon Hill involves its recycling program. The church doesn't receive cash benefits from recycling. Instead, members leave items with redeemable deposits outside for homeless people to collect.
Looking to the future, Draper said he hopes to expand on that creative thinking. Members of Beacon Hill are considering bringing their own plates and utensils for potluck meals. It's barely less convenient than using disposable items, and Christians must choose to be ecologically responsible just as they choose to do good, he added.
“Each individual and each church will have to count the cost of helping our world,” Draper said. “But after you start recycling, you fall into the good habits.”