Staff Changes
Matthew S. Straw, to Westhampton Church, Richmond, as pastor, effective July 24.
Adam Wood, to Keen Street Church, Danville, as pastor, effective August 1.
Tom McCracken, resigning as pastor of Airlee Court Church, Roanoke.
Dan Tatum, to Hampton Church, Hampton, as minister of congregational life.
Melissa Fallen, to Huguenot Road Church, Richmond, as associate pastor for senior adults and pastoral care.
Wellford C. Tiller, to Millfield Church, Ivor, as intentional interim minister.
John Crawford, to Mount Olivet Church, Bedford, as interim pastor.
Rich Thurston, to Spring Hill Church, Ruckersville, as teaching pastor.
David Myers, resigning as pastor of student ministries at Roanoke Valley Community Church, Daleville, to relocate to West Virginia.
Justin Peak, to Oak Level Church, Bassett, as youth minister.
Mark Tolley, resigning as associate pastor for outreach and administration at Huguenot Road Church, Richmond, to relocate to North Carolina.
Erik Haug, to First Church, Waynesboro, as interim youth director.
Julie Jackson, to Spring Hill Church, Ruckersville, as children’s minister.
Emily Browning was ordained to the ministry by Huguenot Road Church, Richmond, on July 17.
Kim Chafee, placement assistant at the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, was recently ordained to the ministry by Bethel Church, Midlothian.
Elizabeth Rickert was ordained to the ministry by Tar Wallet and Oak Grove churches in Cumberland on July 10.
Retired Virginia Baptist pastor Norman Aubrey Gooding of Huddleston died on June 29. He had retired from the pastorate of Flint Hill Church, Moneta, and at the time of his death he was a member of Bethlehem Church, Evington. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Mae Ruddle Gooding, and numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at Bethlehem Church with interment in the church cemetery.
Church News
Cobham Park Church, Warsaw, will celebrate homecoming on July 24 with Vander Warner Jr. as guest speaker. He will also be guest evangelist for their revival July 24-27.
The Robin Class of Cradock Church, Portsmouth, is celebrating its 45th anniversary. The Robin Class is a special education class for children. One charter member of the class who was five years old when it began still lives in Portsmouth and attended Cradock regularly until recently. Teachers of the class are Bettie Klugh, who has taught for 18 years. Shirley Barker has played the piano and taught for 16 years. Arline Roark has taught for 13 years.
Louisa Church, Louisa, will hold revival services July 27-31 with Roger Roller as guest evangelist.
Muddy Creek Church, Powhatan, will hold revival services July 31-Aug. 3 with Clarence “Whitey” Davis as guest evangelist.
Four graduates with Virginia ties were not included in a listing furnished the Herald by Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond last week. Additional graduates receiving the master of divinity degree on May 28 were Angela Weston Hoff of Prince George, Ben Munford of Aylett, Matt Winters of Richmond and Kay Wright of Virginia Beach.