In the Sept. 1 ABP story, “Patterson's defense of sermon censorship contradicts his own actions, critics say,” please replace the sixth paragraph with the following:
But three years ago, Patterson — who had recently moved from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to Southwestern — distributed a “white paper” by Southeastern professor Keith Eitel that criticized the IMB and its president, Jerry Rankin, on a number of mission practices. Eitel's report and Patterson's cover letter, which was written on seminary letterhead, were sent by Patterson to all IMB trustees.
And the 12th paragraph with this:
“If SWBTS is governed by such a principle, which would indeed be a good one, then why did Dr. Patterson, as president of SWBTS, circulate to the IMB board of trustees Dr. Keith Eitel's now infamous white paper called, Vision Assessment?” wrote Oklahoma pastor Art Rogers, who runs the 12 Witnesses blog (