CORRECTION: In the Oct. 16 ABP stosry “CBF council OKs UN anti-poverty goals, hears of year-end budget shortfall,” an error occurred in the wording about undesignated giving.
Replace the 15th paragraph with the following:
In budget matters, CBF leaders reported the Fellowship received $19,103,539 in total revenue, including $14.8 million in undesignated receipts, for the 2006-07 fiscal year, which concluded June 30. Expenses for the year totaled $21,619,206.
Replace the 17th paragraph with the following:
“I really don't know why” undesignated gifts are down for 2006-07, said Daniel Vestal, CBF executive coordinator. The $8.2 million in undesignated contributions from churches and individuals was about $700,000 less than the previous year, continuing a three-year downturn, according to financial data.
ABP regrets the error.