Baptist News Global provides a free listing of ministry-related jobs for Baptist churches, theological institutions and organizations across the United States. Each free posting is for 30 days and is limited to 150 words. Postings may be extended another 30 days for $1.00 per word. To submit a ministry-related job, contact Barbara Francis at [email protected].
MINISTERIAL RESIDENT. Second Baptist Church- in Downtown Little Rock, AR- is a vibrant and historic CBF congregation in the heart of Arkansas’ Capital City ( We are looking for a seminary student to serve as our inaugural Ministerial Resident. This person will also serve on Pastoral Staff as a Young Adult and Family Ministry Associate. Please apply by sending a cover letter and resume to Preston Clegg at [email protected] by March 15th. All applications will be considered. (Posted 12-16-22)
PASTOR. Friendship Independent Missionary Baptist Church of Perry, Florida, is currently seeking a full-time Pastor. We are a small conservative – premillennial, dispensational believing church. Applicants must believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God; meet all the qualifications of 1 Timothy and Titus, preach and teach from King James Bible, only. If you have questions or feel led to submit a resume and doctrinal statement, send to [email protected]. Please attach or inform us if you have sermons online. (Posted 12-16-22)
ASSOCIATE PASTOR OF SENIOR ADULTS. First Baptist Church of Dover, Florida, is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor of Senior Adults. The Associate Pastor will provide direct oversight and ministry to the senior adult members. He must meet the qualifications of a Pastor (i.e., Overseer & Elder) as written in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Applicant must have a calling to pastoral ministry (generally) and senior adult ministry (particularly). Associate Pastor must be able to make house calls, hospital and nursing home visits, and be available for senior adults. He must be able to relate to and minister to senior adults. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required. A minimum of five (5) years of prior pastoral experience and in agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000). Please email a cover letter/ resume to Pastor TJ Francis: [email protected] (church address 3223 N. Gallagher Road, Dover, FL 3357) (Posted 12-7-22)
FULL-TIME PASTORAL RESIDENT. Second Baptist Church, Liberty, Mo., seeks to hire a full-time Pastoral Resident to serve and learn with our congregation for 2-3 years, beginning in late August 2023. The Pastoral Resident will benefit from a nurturing community at Second Baptist, spending focused time during their residency learning to be a Senior Pastor in ministry as they gain experience in preaching, teaching, pastoral care, administration, and congregational organization. The Pastoral Resident should have earned a Master of Divinity degree, will be a somewhat recent or upcoming seminary graduate, will sense a call to serve as a Senior Pastor, and will have demonstrated the giftedness to excel in this calling. Second Baptist is affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Applications are due by January 23, 2023, and should be submitted by email to [email protected] or by mail to: Rev. Constance McNeill, Second Baptist Church, 300 E. Kansas Street, Liberty, MO 64068. Applicants should submit their resumes with reference and a 1-page reflection on their vocational calling/purpose. (Posted 11-29-22)
LEAD PASTOR. First Baptist Church Scottsbluff, Neb., is in search of a Lead Pastor. The congregation is looking to strengthen existing and develop new ministries that fully utilize the historic church facility and the expanded youth activity building in ways that share the gospel and care for the needs of the entire county. Lead Pastor candidates should be willing to utilize the pastoral skills of preaching and teaching to equip the congregation for ministry, practice hospitality and visitation, and strengthen and build relationships with the larger Scottsbluff community. Candidates should exhibit high communication skills so they can work well with congregants, leaders, and staff in a collaborative team setting. The salary package includes a comfortable well-maintained parsonage, MMBB retirement, health insurance, and mileage reimbursement. All interested Lead Pastor candidates should submit their resume to ABC Nebraska office via email to Rev. Dr. Greg Mamula at [email protected]. For more information call 402-556-4730. (Posted 1-13-23)
MINISTER TO CHILDREN, YOUTH AND THEIR FAMILIES. Hope Valley Baptist Church, Durham, NC, seeks a 30-hr/wk Minister to Children, Youth, and Their Families to lead, coordinate, plan, conduct, and evaluate a comprehensive program for children and youth that supports their spiritual, emotional, and social development related to becoming and growing as Christians. The Minister to Children, Youth, and Their Families should have experience working with children and youth, preferably in a Christian setting; experience collaborating with parents and other volunteers; and strong planning, communications, and organizational skills. HVBC is a multi-generational, multi-cultural church in the Research Triangle Park area of NC. The church practices a primarily traditional worship style with blended and liturgical elements. Hope Valley supports the ordination of women. For a complete job description and information on how to apply, contact Robin Wimberley, [email protected]. (Posted 1-10-23)
MINISTRY FELLOW FOR YOUTH AND COMMUNITY. Second Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn., seeks to call a full-time Ministry Fellow to serve and learn with our congregation for 3 years, beginning June 2023. The Ministry Fellow will serve alongside an established team of ministry colleagues in a healthy congregational context. The primary focus of the Ministry Fellow’s role will be on ministry with youth and the Memphis community. The Fellow will also gain experience in preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and administration in a collaborative, team-based setting. The Ministry Fellow should be a recent or upcoming seminary graduate with giftedness to excel in youth ministry. Second Baptist Church, Memphis partners with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter reflecting on their call, along with their resume, by January 30, 2023 via email to [email protected] or by mail to: Stephen Cook, Second Baptist Church, 4680 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis, TN 38117. (Posted 12-6-22)
PASTOR FOR ADULTS. Second Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas, is seeking to call an individual to serve with our congregation as Pastor for Adults to foster the spiritual wellbeing for adults by guiding existing programs and creating space for new ministries. This position will collaborate with our pastors and lay-led ministry teams. “Second B” is an inclusive, Christian community of faith partnering with CBF and Alliance of Baptists. Full-time with competitive compensation and benefits. More information and a Job Description at Applicants are encouraged to apply to [email protected]. (Posted 12-16-22)
PASTOR. The United Church of Lincoln, Vermont, seeks a pastor to lead and journey with our spiritual community in ministry and mission. We practice a loving and accepting Christian theology, embracing people from diverse religious backgrounds, denominations, and traditions. Lincoln is located in the Green Mountains of Vermont, approximately 30 miles southeast of Burlington, Vermont. We hope for someone committed to becoming part of our loving, small-town community for the long-term. Untiring wit and hardy constitution, a plus! Undergraduate degree in pursuit of MDiv a minimum. Master of Divinity degree/equivalent preferred. Visit our website at and select Seeking Pastor from the menu for more detail about applying for this position. (Posted 11-29-30)
FULL-TIME WORSHIP AND OPERATIONS LEADER. Old Town Community Church is inviting a creative and organized leader to join their team serving Christ in the heart of Alexandria, Virginia located across the Potomac River from Washington DC. This is a rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a transformational ministry and nonprofit startup. This opportunity is a hybrid position that will work in both the context of the congregation and our new nonprofit coworking space, The Common Good. The candidate will lead worship and rebuild the worship ministry for a dynamic, revitalized city church. The candidate will also manage all administrative operations for the congregation and The Common Good. This position is a covocational role—just under the same roof working with the same people. Very few people who read this posting will be qualified—we understand. We are simply looking for the right person. Contact Dr. Phillip Faig at [email protected] to apply. (Posted 1-12-23)
PASTOR. Grace Hills Baptist Church, Appomattox, VA, is seeking a full-time pastor. We value a pastor who proclaims God’s Good News through inspirational speaking skills and informed Bible scholarship. Our worship liturgy is “Baptist traditional” while appreciating variations on our present worship style. We desire collegial ministry between our pastor and lay leaders and affirm women in ordained leadership. Candidates must have a Master of Divinity degree, and ideally, several years of experience either as a pastor or associate pastor. Interested candidates may learn more about our congregation and how to apply at Please send a cover letter and resume to [email protected] and submit your profile on Applicat