Baptist News Global provides a free listing of ministry-related jobs for Baptist churches, theological institutions and organizations across the United States. Each free posting is for 30 days and is limited to 150 words. Postings may be extended another 30 days for $1.00 per word. To submit a ministry-related job or inquire about sponsor ads on this page, contact Barbara Francis at 336-717-1135, ext. 8 or [email protected].
SENIOR PASTOR. Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church (HAB) is a moderate Baptist church in Jacksonville, Florida, seeking a senior pastor who is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and a committed Baptist, called by God to the pastoral ministry and to HAB. Requirements include five or more years of ministerial experience and a doctoral degree from an accredited institution. Interested persons may request information at [email protected]. (Posted 8-13-19)
SENIOR MINISTER. First Baptist Church Athens, Georgia, a thriving downtown church adjacent to the University of Georgia, is seeking a full-time Senior Minister. We are a moderate CBF congregation celebrating diversity in belief and theology, participating together in worship and believing in being transformed by mission. The person God is preparing for us will have a high level of intellectual curiosity as demonstrated by formal seminary education and commitment to life-long learning experiences. We seek a person who has strong pulpit skills that produce relatable and challenging messages. This person will demonstrate a passion for meeting the needs of the congregation through counseling, family support during difficult times and developing trusting relationships. The new Senior Minister will develop strategies for growth and lead the congregation in implementation of those strategies. If you believe you may be the person God is preparing for Athens FBC, we would like to know more about you. Please send a letter of interest and resume to [email protected]. The church profile which includes pastor profile can be found at Application review will begin Sept. 15, 2019. (Posted 8-16-19)
FULL-TIME MINISTER TO CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. First Baptist Church, Dalton, GA, is seeking candidates for a full-time Minister to Children and their Families. The Minister to Children is responsible to minister to the needs of all children and their families in the Church. Opportunities for growth in a secondary focus will be explored with the candidates based on their interests, gifts, and passions. With an average attendance of 400, First Baptist Church Dalton is committed to our vision of being “Together in Christ, Sharing His Love.” More information, including our Core Values, can be found at Submit resumes to [email protected]. (Posted 8-9-19)
LEAD PASTOR. American Baptist East (Evansville, Indiana) is seeking a Lead Pastor to take us into our next ministry season. ABE has a great facility in a great neighborhood with a great future. Recently we have been served by a Transitional Senior Pastor who led the creation of a new vision, new structure, new energy and renewed unity. Our fresh vision is to “Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.” Our new structure is modeled after the principles in The Simple Church (Rainer, Geiger.) We gather for contemporary worship on Saturday evening and for traditional worship on Sunday morning. Connection groups have been instrumental in engaging scripture, prayer and fellowship. Our fall outreach will include AWANA and we have a daycare and preschool ministry. We have an awesome gymnasium, well-utilized by our community and church. We seek in our next Lead Pastor a vision-casting, mission-oriented, encouraging, energetic and venturesome person. Contact: [email protected]. (Posted 8-21-19)
MULTI-BIVOCATIONAL MINISTRY. The staff of American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky ( is actively seeking ministers who are called to multi-vocational ministry. Positions in a variety of settings are open, and compensation and benefits vary. Candidates generally will need to supplement church salary with other employment and must have, or be willing to seek, recognition as an American Baptist minister. The ministry context of American Baptist Churches of IN/KY provides opportunity for professional growth and support. Additionally, churches network with one another, and also in mission and ministry opportunities on a global scale. Please send cover letter, along with a resume, ABPS profile, or ABCINKY resume form ( to Rev. Soozi Whitten Ford at [email protected]. (Posted 7-4-19)
PRESIDENT. Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Shawnee, Kansas, seeks a committed Christian leader of outstanding character, who has extraordinary leadership experience, theological depth, and the personal qualities that predict exceptional success in fund development. Over the last 15 years, Central has earned a highly respected position in seminary education by developing a culture that is characterized by creative innovation in ministry preparation, an uncommon commitment to diversity, and fiscal responsibility. The President will be responsible for leading the organization as it continues to grow and expand to reach more students through innovative programs. The desired start date is July 1, 2020. Sample of desired qualifications: An earned doctorate in a relevant field of study is strongly preferred. Experience with entrepreneurial aspects of business development. Experience in leadership roles in higher education. Experience working in ministry, broadly defined and not limited to work in the church. For more information about CBTS and the President role, please review the Position Profile. For more information about this opportunity, please feel free to contact: David Sallee, Ph.D., Senior Consultant, Higher Education Practice, 816-506-9426 (cell). Email: [email protected]. (Posted 7-2-19)
FULL-TIME PASTOR. Highland Baptist Church, Louisville, KY is seeking a full time Pastor to join our vibrant team of ministers who are leading our progressive, growing congregation into the next chapter of our ministry. HBC is an inclusive and welcoming community of faith which impacts our world at the local, national, and international level directly and indirectly in conjunction with our many partners in ministry. Highland Baptist Church is affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Alliance of Baptists. The successful candidate will have experience in a multi-staff ministerial context and be able to give evidence of successful ministerial leadership (we have used the term “player-coach” to capture this aspect of the position). Interested parties should submit a cover letter, resume, and philosophy of ministry via email to: [email protected]. Applications will be received July 1 to Sept.1. Ministerial and Congregational Profiles can be found here: and (Posted 7-1-19)
MULTI-BIVOCATIONAL MINISTRY. The staff of American Baptist Churches of Indiana and Kentucky ( is actively seeking ministers who are called to multi-vocational ministry. Positions in a variety of settings are open, and compensation and benefits vary. Candidates generally will need to supplement church salary with other employment and must have, or be willing to seek, recognition as an American Baptist minister. The ministry context of American Baptist Churches of IN/KY provides opportunity for professional growth and support. Additionally, churches network with one another, and also in mission and ministry opportunities on a global scale. Please send cover letter, along with a resume, ABPS profile, or ABCINKY resume form ( to Rev. Soozi Whitten Ford at [email protected]. (Posted 7-4-19)
MINISTER OF MUSIC. First Baptist Church, Haddonfield, NJ, is seeking a Minister of music who is responsible for the music ministry of the Church. We are seeking a musician who will use his/her musical gifts to plan and lead the music in our worship services and our outreach ministries. This is a part-time position. We have two choirs (adult and youth) with weekly rehearsals and one Sunday morning service. The salary is $25K to $30K annually with 4 weeks paid vacation and the availability of studio space for private teaching. We are a member of the American Baptist Churches USA and our congregation is privileged to have enjoyed a strong history of excellence in music over the years. Wicks pipe organ, 1971, 24 ranks. Petrof piano. Please email [email protected] for complete job description and more information. (Posted 7-1-19)
WORSHIP MINISTER. First Baptist of Cleveland, OK, is seeking a full time Worship Minister. Qualifications: He must meet the Biblical qualifications as laid out in 1Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9; Be in agreement of the Baptist Faith & Message; Be able to lead and engage worship of a multi-generational church; Be comfortable in a broad range of traditional and contemporary worship music; Have competence in reading music notation, and in leading a praise team, instrumentalists and choirs for special events/services, as scheduled; Some responsibilities are to Provide music at all services and appropriate church functions.; Direct, develop, and support worship team members including vocalists, musicians, and sound/media team; Coordinate weekly rehearsals, band members, vocalist, videos, and sound set up; Maintain and expand existing song files and database. Prepare weekly song lyric slides as needed; Be willing to create/maintain a youth praise team to include vocalists, instrumentalists, and sound/media. Please send your resume to [email protected]. (Posted 7-22-19)
NEXT GENERATION PASTOR. First Baptist Church of Conway, SC seeks a Next Generation Pastor to be the champion for the next generation, providing leadership and oversight for children, students, and young families. This person will partner with parents, families, and other church members passing the faith on to the next generation. This person will continue to help our church carry out its mission of reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching them to follow Him. To see the full job descriptions please go to: (Posted 7-8-19)
ASSOCIATE PASTOR AND MINISTER TO STUDENTS. First Baptist Church of Greenwood, SC, is seeking an Associate Pastor and Minister to Students. Ministry to students includes middle school, high school, and college; pastoral duties include pastoral care and worship leadership, to include occasional preaching. This is a full-time job with salary and benefits (health insurance, retirement, paid vacation). Located in a thriving county seat town, First Baptist Church is a mid-sized congregation committed first to Jesus and then to historic Baptist principles. Our passion for Jesus manifests itself in our worship, which is both traditional and joyful; our missions, which are both local and global; and our inclusivity, which includes accepting any form of Christian baptism and affirming both women and men as leaders and servants. Our commitment to Baptist heritage is seen in our participation in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and our affirmation of principles like the autonomy of the local church and the priesthood of all believers. Find more about our church at Seminary or divinity school degree is preferred. Interested persons should send a resume to [email protected]. Resumes received by September 15 will be prioritized. (Posted 8-9-19)
STUDENT PASTOR/ASSOCIATE PASTOR. First Baptist Church, Victoria, Texas, is seeking a student pastor/associate pastor. Responsibilities would include responsibility for developing and promoting a comprehensive education and ministry program for youth grades 6-12. This person will also be responsible for assisting the Senior Pastor in providing pastoral care in meeting the needs of the congregation and community and for assisting in the administrative leadership of the church. Send resume or contact Kathy Jo Patterson at [email protected]. (Posted 8-5-19)
EXECUTIVE PASTOR. The First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C. seeks a committed Christian leader who will join our pastoral team as Executive Pastor. The successful candidate will possess a hopeful, vibrant vision of what the church of Jesus Christ can be and do in the world. In addition to serving as a spiritual leader in the congregation, as the person responsible for the business affairs of our church the Executive Pastor will provide executive-level management oversight for multiple complex program initiatives and will ensure that church systems (financial, physical, operational) align with and support the church’s mission. The Executive Pastor serves as Chief of Staff and reports directly to the Senior Pastor. This is a full-time position offering a competitive salary and benefits. FBCDC affiliates with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Alliance of Baptists and American Baptist Churches/USA. See full position description and application information at Deadline for applications: September 1, 2019. (Posted 7-22-19)
West Virginia
SENIOR PASTOR. First Baptist Church, Wardensville, WV, a small independent Baptist church, is seeking a Senior Pastor. Contact [email protected]. (Posted 8-15-19)