I have had the privilege of pastoring seven fine Virginia Baptist churches during the past 45 years. During these years of service I have developed a great appreciation for our Virginia Baptist mission work and a love for our Virginia Baptist churches.
In these days when many of our BGAV churches are hurting financially, I was pleased to hear that First Baptist Church of Richmond gave a grant to begin a “Helping Hands” fund to be used to help churches that are struggling financially. I am very pleased that the church I pastor, First Baptist Church of Dillwyn, will take a special offering each fifth Sunday to go to the Virginia Baptist “Helping Hands” fund. I pray that these gifts and the gifts of many other Virginia Baptist churches and individuals will help our struggling churches as they continue to serve our Lord in very difficult days.
May God’s blessings be upon all of our Virginia Baptist churches and upon all of the work of our Virginia Baptist Mission Board.
Jimmy Dunn, Dillwyn