“A faithful pastor cannot preach the gospel to unbelievers, let alone exhort and, dare I say, rebuke, backslidden and unregenerate church members, while satisfying a politically correct standard of niceness. This is the sort of niceness we could do with less of in our churches and nation.”
JAMES SMITH. The editor of the Florida Baptist Witness was criticizing Say Something Nice Sunday, a movement started by a South Carolina Baptist. (ABP)
“There’s pretty strong language when you say the president is trying to dismantle CP. How under heaven would I, as a pastor, lead my church to give $525,000 undesignated and $2 million to Southern Baptists causes? Why would I try to dismantle what I’ve led my people to give so much money to for so many years? If I do that I am the biggest fool that this convention has ever elected as president. That’s not my intent.”
JOHNNY HUNT. The Southern Baptist Convention president was responding to charges that aspects of the Great Commission Resurgence, which he supports, would undermine the Cooperative Program unified giving plan. (BP)