“One culture still is dependent on church bulletins and announcements. The other culture is totally inundated with Facebook, Twitter and social media. One culture lifts James Cleveland. The other culture is going to see Jay-Z in a few moments. The question is what happens when these two cultures collide.”
E. Dewey Smith Jr.
The pastor of Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Decatur, Ga., was quoted by the Washington Post in an article on how some churches are embracing hip-hop.
“As far as I am concerned, deleting “Southern” from the SBC’s name is like putting socks on a frog. It may attract a lot of attention, but it is still a frog. And as long as the organization has people like the Rev. Albert Mohler shooting off his mouth about the sins of yoga and about women not being qualified to preach, the Baptists have bigger problems than being associated with the South.”
Dick Yarbrough
The columnist, whose article appeared in the Bainbridge (Ga.) Post-Searchlight, was writing about a proposal to change the name of the Southern Baptist Convention.
“Do not underestimate Barack Obama’s unique ability to unite evangelicals against him.”
Richard Land
The president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission was speaking at a National Press Club forum on religion in the 2012 presidential campaign. He was quoted by the Salt Lake Tribune.