“There’s no threat of Sharia law coming to Oklahoma and America, period. It’s just a scare tactic."
Saad Mohammed
The member of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City was referring to a Nov. 2 referendum to ban Islamic law in Oklahoma. (RNS)
“If you read the Quran, the Quran in no uncertain terms says some wonderful things like, ‘Kill the infidels.’ … I have a real problem with people who want to kill me just because I’m the infidel.”
Judson Phillips
The founder of the Tea Party Nation was explaning why he urged the defeat of Rep. Keith Ellison because he is a Muslim. (RNS)
“I would guess most churchgoing Protestants in America have never even noticed if there is a Christian flag in their own sanctuary.”
Elesha Coffman
The Waynesburg University professor was referring to a controversy in King, N.C., where veterans groups have launched a vigil to keep a Christian flag flying at a war memorial. (RNS)