“So pray for the Gulf Coast, that the oil wouldn’t devastate a people and a land already devastated by so much. As you do, remember: real conservatives protect what God loves.”
Russell Moore
The dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was writing in a commentary at ChristianityToday.com. (RNS)
“I am often ashamed these days to be a Christian. It makes me sad when I open my Facebook account and see more than 1 million people praying for your father’s death. Most of them probably just think it’s a joke and haven’t stopped to think about what that really means — for you, for your mama, for the Bidens and for the American people no matter what political affiliation they are.”
Laura Rector
The doctoral student in Christian ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary was writing in “an open letter to Sasha and Malia Obama” at EthicsDaily.com. (RNS)
“The whole building caved in. But me and that table were still there.”
Dale Thrasher
The 60-year-old member of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Yazoo City, Miss., was describing how he climbed under the Communion table April 25 as a tornado demolished the church. (AP/RNS)