“Testimony envy may be part of any community, but we evangelicals seem to have a particular bent toward narrative one-upmanship.”
Editorial in Christianity Today
The magazine was writing after Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary President Ergun Caner lost his post when school officials determined he had exaggerated parts of his biography about growing up a militant Muslim. (RNS)
“THE GREAT DECEPTION: On the outside of our building, we say we are a hospital, but when people get inside, they see it’s a courthouse.”
Ted Haggard
The evangelical minister, who was embroiled in a sex scandal and is starting a new church in Colorado Springs, Colo., was commenting on Twitter about judgment in churches. He was quoted by The Gazette in Colorado Springs, Colo.. (RNS)
“I am not going to pretend a faith I don’t feel. And for people of faith, the greatest compliment I could pay to them is to respect their genuinely held beliefs and not to engage in some pretense about mine.”
Julia Gillard
The new Australian Prime Minister, an atheist and first woman to hold the job, was quoted by the Australian Broadcasting Corp. (RNS)