“When people have the opportunity to study the Bible, we see it transforming our views toward immigrants … We see we are called to love the stranger. We pray our country will have the courage and do it now.”
Galen Carey
The director of government affairs for the National Association of Evangelicals was speaking following a conference call with other faith leaders who are developing a grassroots, church-based movement to advocate for immigrant reform this year. (USA Today)
“I am what we should be—that is, post-ideological. We are to be about healing, not division. We are not to be subservient to ideology, but above it.”
Richard Cizik
The president of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good was defending himself against criticism that he has been co-opted by liberals. The former vice president of the National Association of Evangelicals was quoted by Newsweek. (RNS)
“You should skip Lent this year; you have already had your Good Friday.”
Katharine Jefferts Schori
The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church was speaking to Haitian Bishop Jean Zache Duracin after viewing devastation caused by the earthquake. (RNS)