ARLINGTON, Va. (ABP) — Randel Everett will resign at the end of the year as president of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies, where he has served for the past nine years.
“These past nine years have been an incredible experience for me to be able to participate in the birthing and development of a Baptist seminary in the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan community…,” said Everett, who also is pastor of First Baptist in Newport News, Va. “Now is the time to hand the responsibility [of leading the school] over to the next leaders.”
Leland recently received full accreditation from the Association of Theological Schools and will soon become a partner in the Washington Theological Consortium. In addition, Everett said, Leland has been “generously supported by ministry partners, especially the Baptist General Association of Virginia.
Leland also holds classes at First Baptist in Newport News and Everett said that partnership will continue.
The Leland Center offers diploma, master of divinity, and master of theological studies classes to roughly 150 students a year. Formed in 1997, the center emphasizes diversity and a commitment to churches in and near Washington, D.C. It was named to honor the 18th century Baptist pastor John Leland, who influenced Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in securing religious freedom for U.S. citizens.