You asked what I think regarding the “Saying no to Sunday church” article by Tom Erich? Well, let me tell you what I think! Mr. Erich, with so many others today, is looking for excuses to make up for the poor job being done by our churches in making disciples, as commanded by Jesus.
Our American Christians are not more saying “no” to Sunday church than they are saying “no” to drugs, alcohol, tobacco and sex. What they are saying is “yes” to me. It is all about me and having fun. That’s the word I see capitalized in church bulletins, not God.
When our institutions stop teaching about nickels, noses and facilities and start teaching what it means to be a Christian and, more important of all, a disciple of Jesus Christ, then and only then will there be no need to look for excuses as to why we are not gathering to worship God. Our people do not know what they believe now and they are not going to learn it online.
If you do not understand what I am saying, look to the Amish. There is no question as to who they are. Their members at age 18 are given the option to stay or go into the secular world. Eighty percent decide to stay in the faith. Would to God we Baptists could say the same. I believe we could, if we were truly dedicated to being ambassadors for Christ.
Dennis C. Evans, Spring Grove