Join us for the Annual Associated Baptist Press Dinner at the CBF General Assembly:
“Giving Voice to Truth in the Race-tinged South”
Thursday, June 19, 2008, 5:30 – 7:15 p.m., $36 per person
Ballroom B, Memphis Cook County Convention Center
Memphis, Tenn.
— Nashville singer-songwriter Kate Campbell will sing the prophetic and powerful music of the Mississippi Delta region and the Civil-Rights Movement.
— ABP News Editor Robert Marus will recount the role that courageous journalists played in the cause of racial equality and truth-telling.
— And ABP Executive Editor Greg Warner will connect that heritage to the ministry of Associated Baptist Press today and in the future.
Together they will remind us of the incredible power of words and the important mantle that is ours to provide Baptists unfettered access to the truth.
The Annual ABP Dinner is always fun, inspiring and convenient for people attending the General Assembly of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The program will begin promptly at 5:30 p.m., immediately following the state and regional CBF meetings. We will dismiss no later than 7:15 p.m. in order to give you time to get to the CBF evening session that begins at 7:30 p.m., just a few steps away in the main convocation hall.
Seating for this event is always limited. Tickets are $36 if purchased in Memphis — $32 if we receive your reservation by June 9. If you sponsor a table for your church, seminary, family or other group, the tickets are only $30 each, or $240 for a table of eight.
To buy your tickets online, click
To make reservations or purchase tickets, contact Beth Campbell at (800) 340-6626, extension 5, or by e-mail at [email protected]. And remember the June 9 deadline.
See you there!
Todd Heifner
ABP Development Director
[email protected]
Visit us at!
Greg Warner
ABP Executive Editor
[email protected]
Beth Campbell
ABP Development Associate
[email protected]