This is in response to the editorial by James E. White concerning social justice and the Glenn Beck show [Herald, March 18].
I watched that program and I did not understand it as the writer did. Glenn Beck never said (as Mr. White implied) that members should leave if their church is committed to doing good for society. In fact, Mr. Beck urged giving freely to those in need. He spoke of the giving of “the widow’s mite.”
Mr. White said, “To link social justice concerns of churches with communism and Nazism, as he did on the program, is too incredibly stupid to be tolerated by a network known (at least by itself) as ‘fair and balanced.’ ”
Excessive government power is the link. It is my understanding that Mr. Beck was saying, “If your church supports forced social justice, then you should question with boldness. This is socialism — taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor, spreading the wealth.” He never said churches should not seek justice for those in need. I understood his point to be that no one should have the power to force that kind of so-called justice (resulting in the loss of God-given freedoms).
In my opinion, the attack on Glenn Beck and the Fox News Network was not “justified.”
Barbara Falls, Buchanan