Over 1,000 women made their annual pilgrimage to Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center for the Women's Get-Away and Rally/Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia annual meeting. There they encountered a movement of the spirit second to none as they focused on “Living Beyond Words.”
The Mimestry Team, Theo & Jolie Williams, from Pasadena, Calif., used the silence and drama of mime to express what God expects of us in a powerful way. Deborah Carlton Loftis, professor at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, lead in times of silence as attendees practiced inhaling God's spirit, in order to exhale God's love, as we of the spirit second to none as they focused on “Living Beyond Words.”
From the words of attendees: “I was spiritually drenched; I learned so much; I made a commitment. Refreshing and uplifting. I have been attending for the last few years and every year has been great, but this year was truly a spiritual experience. I was overwhelmed by the power and clarity of the message as presented by Theo and Jolie. The scripture, ‘Be still and know that I am God' became a reality.”
New officers were elected at the WMUV annual meeting on Saturday afternoon. Elected were Becky McKinney, president, Fort Trial Baptist Church, Stanleytown; Ann Brown, vice president/secretary, First Baptist Church, Gretna; Edith Fisher, member-at-large, Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Earlysville; Linda Garrett, member-at-Large, Haymarket Baptist Church, Haymarket.