The political scientists tell us we are living in the age of resentment. This is the story of searching for a word that defines our age because “resentment” doesn’t really fit the bill. In an alliterative journey through the “Rs”…
City of the living, city of the dead: From Vilnius to Israel/Palestine
I spent the last weekend of October exploring the Old Town of Vilnius, Lithuania. I was in that grand 700-year-old city for speaking appearances and to visit friends. My dear wife, Jeanie, came with me. Tuesday, Oct. 31, was free,…
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors needs to look deeper than Bill Shannon to understand what ails them
The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors has removed Bill Shannon, women’s pastor and counseling pastor at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church, from their approved counselors list due to credible allegations of protecting abusers and harming women. The accusations were cosigned in…
The Canceling of the American Mind: Both right and left embrace cancel culture in battle for power
If you believe conservative Christian groups like Focus on the Family and Summit Ministries, canceling others is something people on the political left do to people on the right. The authors of a recent book perform a valuable social function…
To claim the label of Christian nationalist or not?
Who is a Christian nationalist? And should some people be proud to be called such a name? I, like a majority of BNG readers, am convinced Christian nationalists are a threat to democracy. I have been listening to them make…
You don’t have to demonize us just because we’ve left the faith as you believe it
One of the most dismissive and hurtful statements ex-evangelicals hear from our conservative evangelical family and friends after we deconstruct their walls is: “You must have never been saved to begin with.” Another way they say it is, “You must…
When Harry Truman attended a prayer meeting in Harlem
Saturday, October 29. The 1948 presidential campaign was almost over; only Saturday and Monday remained because Harry S. Truman never campaigned on Sunday; he took seriously, “Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.” Up to that point in the…
Retributive theology opened the door to growth of the prosperity gospel today
Is it any wonder that the two most influential definitions of the “good news” in a Western society built on capitalism and retribution would be about people getting paid or being punished? In conservative evangelicalism, we see a heavy emphasis…
New speaker of the House once led never-opened Paul Pressler School of Law
After three weeks of chaos, the Republican majority in the House of Representatives finally elected a new speaker — Mike Johnson of Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District. While Johnson has served in Congress since 2017, and most recently held the position…