This year, the women of TikTok are celebrating Women’s History Month in a unique way. They are openly expressing what they call “feminine rage” using a snippet of the unreleased song “Labour” by Paris Paloma. In 1980, following lobbying efforts…
Eating disorders in religious communities: The benefits, and consequences, of assigning moral value to food
A well-rounded theology of eating is as important as a well-rounded diet, according to a 2015 study conducted by the University of Western Sydney. Eating is a necessary aspect of life. Humans cannot live without eating enough food to fuel…
Thirty years later, no one has reshaped the SBC more than Albert Mohler
Gallons of ink — physical and digital — have been spilled writing about the transformation of the Southern Baptist Convention at the hands of Paul Pressler and Paige Patterson. While they were, indeed, the architects of the “takeover” of the…
Now, Pastor Greg Locke is a demon slayer
Nashville pastor Greg Locke gained national notoriety for his rebellion against COVID precautions, his denial of the pandemic itself and his enthusiastic support for Donald Trump. Now he’s found new life as a demon slayer. “It was never about the…
Five charts that explain the desperate turn to MAGA among conservative white Christians
New data from PRRI’s Census of American Religion show continued decline of white evangelicals as a proportion of the American population. I prefaced my 2016 book, The End of White Christian America, with an “Obituary for White Christian America.” It read,…
Secular students feel isolated by Christian rhetoric, study shows
“And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” But do they? Well, it depends on who “they” are. With the hymn “They’ll Know We Are Christians by…
Why is the SBC so influential? Look at the number of congregations
If you want to understand why Southern Baptists are in the news so much, one simple chart produced by Ryan Burge might show the answer. The SBC counts 51,379 congregations in the United States, far more than any other denomination….
We don’t need more ‘context’ to understand Josh Butler’s article on sex and the church
In the wake of The Gospel Coalition publishing a male-centric sexual fantasy about Christ penetrating the church, we are getting a clearer picture of how their alliance is characterized by carelessness and control in an attempt to build author platforms…
How viewing sex as an icon leads to the pornification of Christian women and the church as Christ’s bride
Editor’s note: The controversial article mentioned here was removed from The Gospel Coalition website sometime March 2, after generating a swirl of protest online. It is still available, however, in a excerpt of Josh Butler’s new book, Beautiful Union. The…