Most of us think of “the disabled” as someone other than ourselves. But that is unrealistic, according to a New Testament scholar who focuses on the issues of gender, disability, eschatology and suffering. Meghan Henning, author of Hell Hath No…
Yes, global warming remains dangerous, but the evidence shows human action does make a difference, leading climatologist contends
As dire as the global climate crisis is, human action to mitigate disaster actually has made the future less bad than it would have been, according to one of the world’s foremost climate scientists — who also happens to be…
Moderates are an endangered species in the pews, but they aren’t completely extinct at the ballot box
Moderates are such an endangered species that even when you see one in the wild, they’re easy to miss. Pick your favorite hot button topic of the day and you can likely summarize what the left and what the right…
The Methodist and Baptist battles over LGBTQ inclusion this week trace a common road back to … Samford
In any other year, the following fact would have been a minor footnote in a story about United Methodists electing a gay male pastor as bishop in defiance of the denomination’s official ban on gay ministers: Cedrick Bridgeforth is a…
Should adultery and homosexuality be illegal? Mohler weighs in
“Should adultery be illegal? What about homosexuality?” These were questions posed to Al Mohler from a Christian schoolteacher who passed along ideas from a class discussion with his students. Four days before today’s mid-term elections, Mohler answered these questions in…
Many powerful women have been airbrushed out of biblical history, but this one is especially curious
In an article published by the Liberty University student newspaper titled “Women Should Not Serve As Church Elders,” writer Jesse Hughes states plainly, “Women are able to assist the church in a wide variety of ways, but they should not…
Tom Ascol endorses Ron DeSantis and Christian nationalism in weekend campaign rally invocation
The same weekend Ron DeSantis released a campaign video saying he had been sent to Florida directly by God on the eighth day of creation, a prominent Southern Baptist pastor offered an invocation at a DeSantis campaign rally and then…
The Troubled Teen Industry, often linked to religion, is dangerous and deadly
Young people all over the internet are speaking out about their traumatic and life-altering experiences in something called the Troubled Teen Industry. The Troubled Teen Industry is “a system of underregulated residential youth treatment facilities” operating under the guise of…
What churches should know — and do — about a homelessness problem you likely didn’t know about
When it comes to college, “getting in is only half the battle,” according to Anthony Abraham Jack, professor at the Harvard School of Education. Elsewhere he has said: “Before all else, colleges must meet students’ basic needs.” Unfortunately, the nation’s…