John the Revelator warns about the dangers of joining church and state. He thunders: “Beware the sea beast; it has seven heads and 12 horns, and his number is 666. Beware the land beast; it has two horns and is…
India at 75: The world’s largest democracy is dying of toxic nationalism
Think white Christian nationalism is the most dangerous form of identity politics in the democratic world? Meet Hindu nationalism, which is systematically destroying secular democracy — and civil society — in India. I sincerely regret raining on the parade of…
BGCT wants to ‘review and consider changes’ in its relationship to Baylor
Thirty-two years after the Baptist General Convention of Texas fought to retain a say in the governance of Baylor University, Texas Baptists may willingly change that agreement. The BGCT now hopes to “review and consider changes” to its 1990 agreement…
When conservatives today speak of ‘states’ rights,’ they likely don’t mean the popular vote; here’s a case in point
“States’ rights” is back in vogue among American conservatives — including conservative evangelicals — as the cure to enact their preferred restrictive social policies. But few of those advocates are likely to be pleased with the results of a new…
How The Jetsons and Westworld help us think about robots, personhood and faith
The internet droned on last week about the future of artificial intelligence and the human race when people began to compute that George Jetson was born on July 31, 2022. The Jetsons premiered in 1962 with a storyline that was set in 2062…
Where are the women on the SBC’s first and second sexual abuse task forces?
The newest task force appointed to address sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention shares one key thing in common with the first Sexual Abuse Task Force that wrapped up its work this summer: Only two women are represented on…
Al Mohler derides a dead man, and the dead man’s friends aren’t happy
Al Mohler has not come to praise Ron Sider but to bury him — with posthumous damnation, no less. Sider, an early leader of the modern progressive left within Christianity, died July 27. His most influential book was Rich Christians…
A risky experiment: Justice, freedom and compassion in America
Now the only way to avoid this shipwreck, and to provide for our posterity, is to follow the counsel of Micah, to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God. For this end, we must be knit…
As church staff roles evolve, the SBC is forced to define the word ‘pastor’
Sixty years ago, Baptists would have had little reason to debate the meaning of the word “pastor.” In those simpler days, “the pastor” was the primary staff leader of a congregation — the person who preached most Sundays and provided…