Comedian John Crist, known for his viral videos and jokes satirizing Christian culture, has canceled upcoming tour dates after reports he has harassed and manipulated multiple women to pressure them into sexual relationships.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Christian and a Democrat
FDR was influenced by the Episcopal Church, by the Social Gospel movement, by polio, by poverty and war, and, of course, by Democratic politics. A new religious biography examines these influences closely.
Longtime pastor of Baptist church in Chicago resigns after confessing he sexually abused a relative decades ago
Nate Adams, executive director of the Illinois Baptist State Association, said that while IBSA has no authority or disciplinary power over member churches, the group posted information about the situation to its website in order to be transparent.
Died: Phillip E. Johnson, Lawyer who Put Darwin on Trial
With a landmark book, he became “chief architect and guiding light” of the intelligent design movement.
Why 2 women are speaking up about pastoral abuse 17 years after being told to stay silent
“We started reading about pastoral abuse. It was very hard to read, and made me realize what it was. For 17 years, I had blamed myself thinking I had chosen a bad relationship, I made a bad choice. That was…
Trump White House cranks religion to 11 as impeachment looms
Nixon asked people to pray for him and ended with “God bless America” to remind the nation that he was religious and therefore moral, and thus either innocent or deserving of forgiveness. Trump is doing the same with his gaggle…
Josh Harris, fallen evangelical mega-pastor: ‘I excommunicated myself’
Josh Harris, once one of America’s most famous evangelical pastors, admitted in his first interview since renouncing Christianity that he ruined lives and marriages, so he excommunicated himself from the faith that made him famous.
Former President Jimmy Carter is back teaching Sunday school
Former President Jimmy Carter taught a Bible lesson on life after death Sunday less than two weeks after breaking his pelvis in a fall.
New rule would allow foster care, adoption agencies to exclude on religious grounds
The Trump administration is proposing a new rule that would allow adoption, foster care agencies, and other social service providers receiving taxpayer funding from the Department of Health and Human Services to refuse to serve people based on religion, sexual…