Eden Rogers and Brandy Welch say a waiver granted to religious foster care agencies allows the groups to discriminate against prospective foster parents.
Arizona volunteer tried on felony charges for helping immigrants
College instructor Scott Warren is a volunteer for No More Deaths, an Arizona-based advocacy organization that aims to stop the deaths undocumented immigrants in the desert near the U.S.-Mexico border.
Four members of Baptist church killed on way to revival
Four members of Shiloh Baptist Church in Blackstone, Virginia, died Tuesday in a church van wreck while on their way to sing for a revival at a sister church.
Hospital chaplains stick to the heart of the job amid health care industry changes
With American society becoming increasingly disconnected and less religious, chaplains’ role has become particularly important.
Only half of kids raised Southern Baptist stay Southern Baptist
Analysis: The bigger factor behind the SBC’s decline isn’t the struggle to gain new converts; it’s keeping their own.
Owners of biblical Noah’s ark replica sue over rain damage to property
The owner of the life-size replica of Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky has sued its insurers for refusing to cover rain damage.
The impossible future of Christians in the Middle East
An ancient faith is disappearing from the lands in which it first took root. At stake is not just a religious community, but the fate of pluralism in the region.
China’s alarming AI surveillance of Muslims should wake us up
This has created a humanitarian crisis for the Uighurs. But two factors make the full implications far wider.
Army denies soldier’s request to grow beard in observance of Flying Spaghetti Monster religion
Why are we here? What is our purpose? Why are U.S. service members not allowed to grow beards?