Her writings resonated particularly with those struggling with their faith, traditional evangelicalism and the treatment of women and LGBT persons within the church.
The man who painted Jesus
April 30 marked the 127th birthday of an artist whose name you probably don’t know, but his work may be the most widely distributed of the 20th century. Despite never leaving Chicago, Warner Sallman influenced how many Christians the world…
Fellow writers, fans shocked and saddened by death of Christian writer Rachel Held Evans
Evans, who was from Dayton, Tennessee, and known for her progressive Christian voice, died early Saturday morning after a brief illness, according to her husband, Dan Evans, who shared the news of her death on her website.
Trump defends health workers’ right to object to abortions
Trump chose the National Day of Prayer to announce a new regulation protecting health care workers who object to procedures like abortion on moral or religious grounds.
The 2019 governor’s race that has Trump’s team sweating
White House officials are racing to save GOP Gov. Matt Bevin, a Trump loyalist in a red state who’s deeply unpopular and on the ballot in November.
The resurgence of right-wing anti-Semitic conspiracism endangers all justice movements
In right wing circles theories about cultural Marxism in the era of Trumpism come entangled with other anti-Semitic theories, often arguing that George Soros and a shadowy “globalist” cabal are working to dissolve national borders and sovereignty into a totalitarian-communist “New…
The sanctification of Donald Trump
‘Only God could deliver such a savior to our nation,’ campaign manager Brad Parscale says, echoing recent comments from other top aides.
ADL study: Violence against Jews doubled last year
Violent attacks against U.S. Jews doubled in 2018, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s yearly audit of anti-Semitic incidents.
How Myanmar’s Kachin Baptists keep the faith far from the homeland
As an oppressed minority in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, Kachins often view being Christian as part of what makes them Kachin. Now, as they settle in Christian-majority states, many Kachin Americans are considering anew what it means to be Kachin outside of…