Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake Hall, pastor of Highland Hills Baptist Church in Macon, G.A., features candid conversation about faith in the Christ-haunted South interlaced with celebrated roots music. Together, Jake Hall with Brad Evans and…
Video: How the magic is made at Gospel Gothic
Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake Hall, pastor of Highland Hills Baptist Church in Macon, G.A., features candid conversation about faith in the Christ-haunted South interlaced with celebrated roots music. Together, Jake Hall with Brad Evans and…
Photo Gallery: Jake Hall, Gospel Gothic, Music and Radio
All photos taken in this photo gallery of Jake Hall and Gospel Gothic are by Jenna Eason. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”19″ gal_title=”Jake Hall: Gospel Gothic, Music and Podcasts”] In this ‘Signature Ministries’ series, Gospel Gothic, a Sunday-morning radio show hosted by Jake…
Signature ministries: ‘The art of human contacts’
The Catholic Worker Movement, one of the most important Christian social ministries of the modern era, began in 1933 in New York during the Great Depression. The founders, Catholic Peter Maurin and journalist/Catholic convert Dorothy Day initiated the movement, Day…
Photo Gallery: Lost Boys in photos
All photos taken in this photo gallery of the Lost Boys are by Norman Jameson. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”16″ gal_title=”Lost Boys of Sudan: St. John’s Baptist Charlotte”] In this ‘Welcoming the Stranger’ series, we learn what happens when one…
Photo Gallery: Metanoia in photos
All photos taken in this photo gallery of Metanoia are by Stephen B. Morton. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”14″ gal_title=”Charleston: Metanoia with Bill Stanfield”] In this series, we learn what happens when a community rejects traditional concepts of charity but instead taps the existing…
What is QC Family Tree?
QC Family Tree is an intentional Christian community forming relationships and seeking justice alongside residents of the Enderly Park neighborhood of Charlotte, N.C. Since 2005, co-directors Greg and Helms Jarrell have called the Queen City home and sought wholeness with…
Video: What does justice look like in Enderly Park?
Helms Jarrell speaks about the long, ambiguous path toward justice as well as finding hope among her neighbors. In this series on QC Family Tree, we learn how the Jarrells are organizing to combat gentrification, which increasingly threatens long-time Enderly…
Video: How is QC Family Tree seeking justice in Enderly Park?
Greg Jarrell discusses the role of imagination in a justice-seeking life. In this series on QC Family Tree, we learn how the Jarrells are organizing to combat gentrification, which increasingly threatens long-time Enderly Park residents with rising property value and…