WASHINGTON (ABP) — The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt what would appear to be the death blow to Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's legal crusade to display a Ten Commandments monument in a state building. On Nov. 3 the justices…
Patterson airs professor’s charges of lax theological scrutiny at IMB
WAKE FOREST, N.C. (ABP) — The International Mission Board should rid itself of “unbiblical” practices and alliances with Christian mission groups that do not enforce strict theological parameters, a Southern Baptist missions professor urges. Keith Eitel, professor of Christian missions…
Virginia Baptists may cut Averett funds in dispute over homosexuality, Scripture
RICHMOND, Va. (ABP) — Virginia Baptists will be asked to withhold about $350,000 they planned to contribute to Averett University next year until a dispute over homosexuality and biblical interpretation can be resolved. The Baptist General Association of Virginia's budget…
Four professors leave Southwestern to start alternative Carroll Institute
FORT WORTH, Texas (ABP) — Four prominent professors abruptly resigned from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in early November, only to be named faculty members of the new B.H. Carroll Theological Institute started by former Southwestern leaders. The faculty members who…
Third World Anglican bishops denounce installation of gay man
DURHAM, N.H. (ABP) — Shortly after an openly gay man was installed as the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, his brethren in the Third World reacted with anger — some of them cutting off their relations with…
Proposed Afghanistan constitution may not protect religious freedom
WASHINGTON (ABP) — Some observers are worried that a new constitution for Afghanistan may do little more to protect religious freedom than did the oppressive Taliban government. After months of negotiations among members of a constitutional commission, a draft of…
Kentucky Baptists unveil proposed staff reorganization
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) — The Kentucky Baptist Convention plans to reorganize its staff, taking the first major step toward implementing a new mission plan. The proposed reorganization will eliminate two filled positions, reassign two employees and take advantage of five…
Kerry appearances in churches prompt criticism from left, right
WASHINGTON (ABP) — Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's increasingly prominent habit of using politically sympathetic churches as a platform for campaign speeches is drawing criticism — though for differing reasons — from groups on both the ideological right and the…
In the ABP story “Truett Seminary prof dies after battle with cancer” released July 20, the date of Chip Conyer's death should read July 18 instead of July 20. Also in the ABP story “Watchdog group files complaint against Arkansas…