Since they only plan to wade into the shallow end of the pool, or a few feet into the river, lake or ocean, the typical congregational participant only needs to remove their shoes and socks. And we are not talking…
Life outside the womb
By Michael Ruffin I have been thinking a lot lately about the beginning of life, the end of life and the life that is lived in between the beginning and the end. Before we are born we spend several months…
We need a change of heart on the border crisis
By Russ Dean Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me.” But Robert Pittenger, a North Carolina congressman, said if they arrive at our border without proper documentation, let the little children be deported ASAP, even though crushing poverty and…
Songs for pilgrims on the way
I’d told myself I wouldn’t do it this time. Writing a theological review of the latest U2 album has been de rigueur for me since offering my $0.02 on How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. With increasingly credible rumors pointing to…
By Bill Leonard We recently purchased a new car, the first we’ve bought since 2005. “Sticker shock” is an understatement in 2014. That’s why St. Paul caught my attention with his advice to the Roman Christians: “Leave no debt outstanding,…
On first take, the latest U2 album still offers grace
By Steven Harmon I’d told myself I wouldn’t do it this time. Writing a theological review of the latest U2 album has been de rigueur for me since offering my two cents on How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. With increasingly…
Beware of addiction — and know its signs
“To be alive is to be addicted, and to be alive and addicted is to stand in need of grace.” Gerald May For reasons that go back a few generations, I am interested in addiction. I have studied it, and…
How I got here: The LGBT issue, part 17
By David Gushee Follow David: @dpgushee My mind and heart have changed on the LGBT issue. I am not the only one by any means–the trickle is becoming a flood. I could point you to a stack of thoughtful books…
Send a message — don’t watch the NFL
By Michael Parnell The Janay and Ray Rice video shows what happened that night in February. It is clear that Mr. Rice punched his then fiancée so hard it knocked her out. The first video showed the aftermath of what…