By Molly T. Marshall They just kept coming. Clad in colorful traditional dress, the varied ethnic tribes, primarily from the hill country, announced their presence through their distinctive attire. Many had traveled up to six days, partly on foot, to…
Forever Changed #14: Praying as they are sent in harms way
One of my favorite quotes is from C.T. Studd. He says, Some prefer to live within the sounds of chapel bells, I prefer to set up a rescue shop within a yard of hell or as is the case here,…
An open letter to young CBF leaders
By Sara Hunt Young CBF leaders, I’m one of you. We’re on the same team, you and I. Our stories are woven with similar threads. You and I, we’re passionate, alive and ready to see the good news of our…
Wait! Advent 2013
Celebrating Advent means being able to wait. Waiting is an art that our impatient age has forgotten. It wants to break open the ripe fruit when it has hardly finished planting the shoot. But all too often the greedy eyes…
Broken immigration system breaking lives
By Miguel De La Torre We often say our immigration system is broken, but seldom do we contemplate how our immigration system is breaking lives. Sandra Lopez is just one life to be crushed under the immigration grinding mill. She…
A “buyer’s market” for pastor search committees
The 21st century is proving to be a buyer’s market for many churches that are looking for a pastor. Even a tiny, troubled Baptist church can get 100 resumes from men and women looking for a church to pastor. A…
Be a peace-wager like Nelson Mandela
As the world reacts to the death of Nelson Mandela, we cannot help but read and understand his amazing history of peace. Fighting against injustice and apartheid in South Africa were his notable achievements, but Mandela did so much more….
Nelson Mandela: Peace wager
By Alan Rudnick As the world reacts to the death of Nelson Mandela, we cannot help but read and understand his amazing history of peace. Fighting against injustice and apartheid in South Africa were his notable achievements, but Mandela did…
Time to wake up
I recently sat down with Ian Morgan Cron’s memoir, Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me. For those who aren’t familiar with Ian Morgan Cron, he is an Episcopal priest with a gift for writing, and his story is a…