By Paul Dodd Perhaps this is a word which might describe, acutely and accurately, the present tendency of the military chaplaincy to avoid the so-called “curse of dimensionality,” whereby the multi-dimensional makeup of the chaplaincy becomes increasingly complex and challenging….
Where is God when bad stuff happens?
Where is God when bad things happen? Across the ages, this question has perplexed and frustrated those afflicted with suffering, grief, and pain. Theologians and philosophers have wrestled with scriptural texts and rational thought striving to make sense of the…
Leaving Samaria for the suburbs
By Trey Lyon I recall my college New Testament professor explaining the words of John 4, “now Jesus had to go through Samaria,” as the author’s way of saying that Jesus went there on purpose, and that going through Samaria…
It seems every year retailers are pushing holiday seasons earlier and earlier. I walked through the home improvement giant, Lowe’s the day after Halloween and saw Christmas decorations, holiday goodies, and Christmas lights already on sale. Was that too early…
Don’t suck
By Amy Butler Asked recently if I had any advice for young women considering pastoral ministry, I responded with an answer that perfectly illustrates why I should never speak without a manuscript: “Don’t suck.” What I meant to say, of…
Worship style surprises
“If we put up screens in worship, I’m quitting Wilshire!” Guess the age of the person who said this at a recent gathering at our church. If you surmised this must be the stubborn opposition of an older adult, you…
Finding God in the suffering
By Molly T. Marshall With relentless coverage, the world is caught up in the riveting images coming out of the Philippines. Our ever-warming world careens from one disaster to another, each described as of “epic proportion,” ostensibly meaning that they…
Forever Changed #10: Even in Iraq we have fireworks
Have I shown you this??? Uh yeah…well, I do not need this to tell me where I am on this deployment. My body is screaming that I have been in theater for 60 days. Every deployment, I know when I…
Theological reflections on a bulldog
By Julie Pennington-Russell Our dear English Bulldog, Willie Boy, died last week. Hearts are still at half-mast around here. Back in December of 2005, in a moment of temporary insanity, Tim and I decided to grant our daughter Lucy’s persistent…