We are going to make history this Sunday at Augusta Heights Church in Greenville, SC. For the first time in the 63-year history of the church, we will celebrate the ordination of a woman, Debbie Roper, to the gospel ministry….
Crafting a disciplined life
By Molly T. Marshall A recent book by Mason Currey on the daily rituals of artistic people has captured wide attention. He chronicles the patterns — some odd and eccentric — that empower creativity of writers, painters, inventors, musicians and…
Forever Changed #6: Band of Brothers
WoW! Issue 6, that feels good to say. Today I am reminded that 61 years ago more than 130,000 Allies flew, glided, jumped and boated their way to France and onward. President Dwight D Eisenhower gave the following words on…
What kind of Baptists are we?
In the 1950s and 60s, the unofficial public theology of America was dominated by theologians associated with what we now call “the Protestant Mainline”. A public theology makes biblical teaching relevant to the pressing political, economic and social issues of…
By Jerrod Hugenot It’s not the easiest sell in a fast-moving, “decision now” type world, yet I would hazard God speaks most clearly to us when we allow ourselves to ponder and more importantly listen attentively. Over the past few…
Competing with big box churches
There’s a “big box” church in our town that’s all the rage. If you live anywhere in America that’s even slightly urban, there’s probably a big box church in your area as well. By “big box” I mean the kind…
Don’t forget about associate pastors
Last week I spoke to a group of associate pastors at a continuing education program with the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey. This group of associates was very diverse demographically, but they all shared the same challenges. I started…
Confessions of a conflicted feminist
By Aimee Yeager Be independent. Go after your career. Don’t get married before 30. If you do marry, don’t let him think you want to be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. Fight for non-sexist language to describe humanity and…
From prostitution to victimization
The first time I walked down this street, it was by accident. We were relatively new to the city. I enjoy ferreting out the various markets and shopping possibilities in cities we where we have lived. Brussels was no different….