No, that’s not a typo. Let me explain. I am the head of a not-so-blended family. I have two dogs, Oakley (my first dog ever) and Ralphie (adopted as a companion and best buddy for Oakley.) Although my older cats…
Time to ban assault weapons
By Miguel De La Torre It has been a horrific day, and as I type these words the day is not yet over. I have shed tears. I have hugged my daughter closer. I have yelled and cursed God. I…
An open letter to Dan Cathy
By Angela Yarber Dear Mr. Cathy, I don’t expect you to remember me. You and your father spoke at chapel during my freshman year of college in 2000. You both spoke of how being a Christian business person involves loving…
Our rhetorical Civil War
“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.” —Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, 1861 So it was then, March, 4, 1861, that Lincoln uttered these words to a struggling, soon-to-be-divided United States. We hear these words 151…
Behind George Zimmerman’s comment, shooting ‘God’s plan’
In perhaps the most shocking development to come out of the Trayvon Martin shooting, since George Zimmerman‘s alleged plans to flee the country, occurred in an interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity. During the interview, Zimmerman discussed a number of topics,…
Race and intentionality, then and now
By Bill Leonard In his recent book Moses, Jesus and the Trickster in the Evangelical South, University of Colorado history professor Paul Harvey describes the South “as a land of paradox and contradiction.” “How else, for example, can one grasp…
Should we abolish the death penalty?
On July 3 the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, called on all member states to abolish the death penalty. The worldwide trend is away from the death penalty. In 2000, 31 countries carried out an execution. In 2011,…
Why the world needs ‘Glee’
By J. Barrett Owen In a postmodern, post-denominational, post-Christian, post-religious, post-everything world, the church has floundered on developing a consistent message to help transform culture. The church attempted to entertain, but not many 20-somethings woke up to hear a bad…
What Fox says that the church doesn’t
In a postmodern, post-denominational, post-Christian, post-religious, post-everything world, the church has floundered on developing a consistent message to help transform culture. The church attempted to entertain – but not many twenty-somethings woke up to hear a bad guitarist sing shallow…