By Bill Leonard If the last two months are any indication, 2012 may wind up as a year of major religious-liberty decisions in America. In January, the Supreme Court issued what the New York Times called perhaps “its most significant…
The Bible tells me. So?
By Bill Leonard Everybody is quoting the Bible these days. In the church and the public square Bible-based rhetoric and mandates echo throughout the culture, often with varying, even contradictory, interpretations. Such convictions can be deep and culture transforming; they…
It’s better to debate than downsize
By Zachary Bailes Southern Seminary President Albert Mohler predicts the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will split over the issue of homosexuality. Meanwhile, Kentucky Baptist Convention Executive Director Paul Chitwood announced incentives for employees to take early retirement or resign voluntarily as…
New Springsteen album delivers 30-year-old ‘Promise’
By Mark McEntire While Wrecking Ball is Bruce Springsteen’s 17th and latest studio album, it marks some important firsts. Above all, it is Springsteen’s first studio album since the deathof band mate Clarence Clemons. The “Big Man” was such a…
The fence through Friendship Park
By LeDayne McLeese Polaski A fence runs through Friendship Park at the western end of the U.S. border with Mexico. A 20-foot tall steel structure begun in late 2011 and completed in early 2012, it begins at the very spot…
Drive-thru discipleship
By Amy Butler The Associated Press recently reported on churches offering drive-thru blessings on Ash Wednesday. Pastors in my city offeredashes and blessings at the Metro stations so hurried commuters could get their Lenten fix on the way to work….
Is Al Mohler right about CBF?
By Chuck Bugg Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently predicted that the CBF may divide over the issue of “homosexuality.” Perhaps he is right. However, at its best CBF has been able to affirm diversity without degenerating…
Cooperate or fold
By Andrew Gardner Predictions that differing opinions about homosexuality will cause division in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship pose a quintessential challenge: Are we a people who can cooperate despite our differences? I agree with CBF moderator Colleen Burroughs’ call for…
Should America attack Iran?
By Jim Denison Should America attack Iranian nuclear sites? A recent exchange sponsored by Foreign Affairs highlights three options. Matthew Kroenig argues that we should attack Iran now. He recently served as special adviser to the U.S. Secretary of Defense…