I enjoyed your editorial on bumper sticker wars (June 15), but I was dismayed to see those who display the fish with legs referred to as “the enemy.” Does this mean that Christians who believe in evolution are “the enemy?”…
The sacred in us all
Singer's statement brings into sharp focus two very distinct world views. The view held by Christians is that God created humans as spiritual beings living for a time within a physical body. Theologians have called this foundational concept the “Imago…
Fearful of W&M action
As a William and Mary graduate (class of 1946),I too was angered and shocked by the decision of President Gene Nichol to remove the bronze cross from Wren Chapel [Herald, Nov. 23]. Having attended many services in that chapel when…
ANOTHER VIEW: A week of contrasts
While following the news, I could not miss the contrasts. Within a week, we have witnessed the deaths of two leaders with two completely different legacies. These men, Gerald Ford and Saddam Hussein, forever connected by death, were as different…