Total Income for 2004: $2,990,408.53 Distribution of Funds for 2004: $935,428.93 Cooperative Program Income: $29,999.83 Interest Income-Loans: $629,479.27 Principal Income-Loans: $2,122,394.47 Interest Income-Investments: $184,024.86 Rent Income: $5,000.00 Trust Fund Income: $19,510.10 59 New Loans Paid in 2004: $896,223.00 Other Expenses…
Virginia Baptists’ response so far
Contributions from Virginia Baptists for the Indian relief project through Feb. 24 with the following designations: • Southern Baptist Convention (IMB): $69,941.82 • Baptist World Alliance (BWAid): $16,549.36 • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship: $49,408.42 • Virginia Baptist Mission Board: $82,148.70 –…
By J. Murphy Terry There is a Midwest saying or idiom: “Fisherman's luck, wet butt and hungry gut.” Many of my friends are sportsmen, hunters and fishermen. They are serious about their interests. In fact, they are not pleasant to…
FIRST HAND: ‘There is so much to be done’
Volunteer describes experience among destroyed homes in Florida. By Alice Banks Our experience with the Virginia Baptist disaster relief team was our first mission trip but not the last. We served on teams that cooked for everyone, shopped for groceries…
Virginia Baptist volunteers return to area hit hard by Hurricane Charlie last Au
Some 130 Virginia Baptist volunteers spent the week of Feb. 7-11 on a disaster relief recovery trip to Punta Gorda, Fla. The group ministered in an area hit hard by Hurricane Charlie last August-and which they had visited just days…
Mission at home – NAMB
This month churches across Virginia will focus on mission in North America, as they collect offerings for the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board and for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship's MissionConnect emphasis. By Joe Westbury With the deft skill…
Southern Seminary nixes pioneering curriculum for ‘biblical counseling’
By David Winfrey The Christian counseling department of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, which defined the role of pastoral counseling for generations of ministers and Christian counselors, will make a wholesale change by emphasizing “biblical counseling” over behavioral science. The move…
Georgia churches look to Virginia for affiliation by ‘affinity’
By Robert Dilday First Baptist Church of Rome, Ga., is considering ending its affiliation with the Georgia Baptist Convention and joining the Baptist General Association of Virginia, whose Richmond headquarters are 600 miles away. And two other north Georgia churches…