Was it simply serendipity that the facing age of your editorial contained Fred's Heritage column entitled “Now it can be told”—or editorial irony? Allow me to share a few anecdotes from my experience with “the dilemma of reporting the facts.”…
God’s plan
If anyone knows why God made a plan to take the lives of so many people or his reason, please let me know. I just lost a grandson on Aug. 26. Let me know why and the reason so I…
Saving the General Association!
“You are acquainted with how its missionaries are suffering and its wants disregarded. [The General Association] must be more liberally supported than it has been for a year or two past. For it to go down would seriously injure our…
Classified ads
CHURCH POSITIONS PART-TIME MINISTER OF MUSIC. Hillcrest Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Va., is seeking a part-time minister of music. Candidates should have the leadership skills necessary to grow and direct a comprehensive music ministry. They must also demonstrate good communication…
News about Virginia Baptists and their ministries for September 21, 2006
Staff changes Ben Laird, to Trinity Church, Martinsville, as pastor. Chris and Karen Harbin, to Central Church, Lowesville, as co-pastors. Ronnie Campbell, to Bethany Church, Baskersville, as pastor. Gregory Todd Randall, to Clarksville Church, Clarksville, as senior pastor. Richard L….
Christians from Muslim backgrounds find joy in togetherness
A total of 251 persons registered for the conference, 97 of which had been Muslims before converting to Christianity. Others were seekers or were Christian Background Believers who attended in a supportive role. One Jewish Background Believer also attended. Three…
News about Virginia Baptists and their ministries for September 14, 2006
STAFF CHANGES Cecil Chambers, to Skipwith Church, Richmond, as pastor. Floyd Harrison, to Story Creek Church, Ferrum, as pastor. Trent Moody, resigning as pastor of First Church, Jonesville. Jim Riddle, to Cambridge Church, Richmond, as interim pastor. William J. “Bill”…
Virginia churches help with Caribbean VBS this summer
When Hurricane Ivan pummeled the island of Grenada on Sept. 7, 2004, with winds gusting to 145 mph, 89 per cent of the homes of the 100,000 residents were severely damaged. Thirty percent (10,000 homes) were completely destroyed. In addition,…
Dorothy Hall: 48 years of of Missions Connection
Her knitting needles clicking away, Dorothy Hall of Jarrett, worked diligently on little baby caps and blankets as part of her participation in Missions Connection 2006. For 48 years, Hall and various members of her family have been making the…