Margaret Wayland, chair of the ad hoc committee for Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia, has invited Virginia Baptists who wish to provide information to them to send it in writing to Margaret Wayland, Ad Hoc Committee, WMU of Virginia, P.O….
Mission team from Roanoke Valley Association returns to Sioux reservations
A mission team from the Roanoke Valley Baptist Association made a return visit to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation July 30-August 4. This team of 103 members representing 19 RVBA churches served in the communities of Cannon Ball, Ft. Yates,…
Bluefield College ranked among top 50 colleges in the South
Bluefield College has been ranked among the Top 50 “Best Comprehensive Undergraduate Colleges in the South” in U.S.News & World Report's celebrated issue “America's Best Colleges: 2007.” The number 49 ranking for Bluefield College marks the fourth consecutive year the…
Virginia Baptist annual meeting to be ‘Voyage to Discovery’
Join with fellow Virginia Baptists at Connect:2006, the annual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, on Nov. 9-10 at the brand-new Virginia Beach Convention Center. Participants will set sail on a “Voyage to Discovery” as a course is…
Muslim refugees say goodbye to Lebanese Baptist shelters
Hundreds of Lebanese Muslims who had taken refuge in Lebanese Baptist institutions said good-bye to their hosts Aug. 17. Meanwhile, Lebanese Christian leaders continued to care for refugees still in Beirut. As a cease-fire took hold in the month-long conflict…
On mission at the Gulf: Virginia Baptists make ‘impact’ after Katrina
When something is plumb, it's lined up properly. In the context of a statewide mission endeavor, plumb means “straight for the Lord.” In conjunction with that theme, this year's Impact Gulf Coast had church volunteer workers going on a 19-hour…
News about Virginia Baptists and their ministries for August 24, 2006
STAFF CHANGES Jason Booth, to Zoan Church, Fredericksburg, as pastor. Rob Tennant, resigning as pastor of Greenbrier Church, Arlington, to accept the pastorate of HillSong Church, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Ryan Snodgrass, to Spring Hill Church, Ruckersville, as site pastor…
EDITORIAL: Altar Ego confesses his sin
Pewboy looked troubled. Gone from his countenance was his usual bland expression by which he defied others to read his thoughts. Now he looked positively pensive. Altar Ego knew he would soon be drawn into dialogue by Pewboy's drivel and…
Missing the facts
Professor David Gushee is entitled to his position, but his passionate argument appears to arise from his view of the unborn rather than the specific legislation that passed Congress by overwhelming majorities [“The stem cell veto,” Aug. 3]. The readers…