William E. Hatcher, the popular preacher of the 19th century whose persona this columnist frequently assumes, told the following story in his autobiography. It is a fascinating revelation of a time that is no more. The only part of the…
ANOTHER VIEW: Outrageous and anti-semitic, Gnostics penned more than Gospel of Judas
From all the hullabaloo in the press over the Gospel of Judas, one might easily conclude that something like the plot of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code had suddenly been demonstrated as historical fact rather than fiction. Much of…
SIDEBAR: The Gospel of Judas: What is it?
The manuscript know as the Gospel of Judas is a series of tattered and fragmented sheets of papyrus in Coptic, an Egyptian script, and is contained in a 66-page, leather-bound “codex” that the National Geographic Society unveiled April 6. Terry…
Upton joins other North American Baptists at meeting to transcend differences
Virginia Baptist leader John Upton was among other leaders of Baptist conventions and organizations comprising more than 20 million adherents in North America who explored “additional opportunities for fellowship and cooperation” in Atlanta April 10. President Jimmy Carter, a lifelong…
Classified Ads for April 27, 2006
Baptist Hymnal in Braille: The library at First Baptist Church, Richmond, has a complete 4-volume set of the Baptist Hymnal, 1975 edition, in braille which is available free to another church. Contact David Jackson at 804-370-9896 or [email protected]. WORSHIP LEADER:…
BJC announces essay contest
To engage high school students in church-state issues and to generate interest from a wide range of Baptists, the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty has launched the 2006 Religious Liberty Essay Contest. Open to all Baptist high school students…
EDITORIAL: We shall all change or be changed
Editorial for April 6, 2006 By Jim White Editor Have you noticed in your reading of the Gospels that Jesus is not the least bit bashful? In the first few verses of Matthew 18, the disciples came to Jesus asking,…
Letter for April 6, 2006
Thanks for editorial Well, Jim, you have done it again. That is, written a piece about an important topic of interest to Virginia Baptists-one which has two very definite sides-and you have avoided being mean-spirited, or even unkind. What are…
OTHER VIEW: U.S. immigration policies: A Christian perspective
Another View for April 6, 2006 By Daniel Carro Virginia Baptist Mission Board Monday evening, when I entered my class of “Who is Jesus” at the Leland Center, I could not anticipate I would not be able to deliver my…