Some social analysts observe the United States in the past half-century has shifted from a Bedford Falls-like culture of small businesses and community-friendly savings and loan institutions to a Pottersville-style nightmare of predatory lenders and seedy businesses that target the…
EDITORIAL: How to treat your pastor’s wife
For the last nine months, I have had the great pleasure of serving the Kilmarnock Baptist Church as their interim pastor. They have recently called Matt Tennant who will begin Oct. 18. Matt and his wife have two young sons….
From the Eastern Shore to Cumberland Gap
STAFF CHANGES • Doug Odle, to Green Valley Church, Lebanon, as associate and youth pastor. • Don Taylor, resigning as pastor of Ni River Community Church, Fredericksburg. • Joel Bradberry, concluding his ministry at Black Creek Church, Mechanicsville. • Larry…
Debt keeps families, churches from reaching potential
If Americans had followed biblical financial principles, they could have lessened — or completely avoided — the worst recession in decades, two prominent Christian money management specialists said. “Debt may not be a sin, but it is certainly a curse,”…
Some call for reclaiming the lost virtue of thrift
Some social analysts observe the United States in the past half-century has shifted from a Bedford Falls-like culture of small businesses and community-friendly savings and loan institutions to a Pottersville-style nightmare of predatory lenders and seedy businesses that target the…
Baptist group announces slate of BGAV candidates — with a twist
RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Baptists Committed, a moderate advocacy group which for almost 25 years has successfully nominated officers for the Baptist General Association of Virginia, announced its slate of candidates Oct. 2 — but this time with a twist….
Virginia Baptists conclude two-year recovery effort in south Louisiana
PORT SULPHUR, La. — Virginia Baptists concluded their more than two-year assistance to south Louisiana’s victims of Hurricane Katrina with a Sept. 26-27 celebration at Port Sulphur Baptist Church — one of the congreations hardest hit and the focus of…
Flood relief teams won’t be deployed, but alert raised for service in Pacific
RICHMOND, Va. — Large numbers of Baptist disaster relief teams responding to recent flooding in Georgia have made it unnecessary for Virginia Baptists to send their own units, a disaster relief coordinator said Oct. 1. But a Norfolk, Va.-based “fly…
Ragan Courtney to lead workshop on integrating worship and the arts
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — Integrating worship and the arts will be the focus of a one-day workshop led by Christian composer Ragan Courtney in November. The event, sponsored by the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Falls Church, Va.,…